Poor Reading Skills;, Hindrances;, Effective Learning.Abstract
This paper is on Poor Reading Skills: Hindrances to Effective Learning. The paper reveals that reading serve
different purposes in different subjects. It states that whatever the aspect of life one is considering, one discovers that the ability to read efficiently enhances individual ability to function in an effective manner. Reading readiness is structured into early learning. As such, reading specialists are trained to render special services in developmental and remedial reading processes. The few numbers of pupils that have reading disability is enough reason to attract attention. The paper sees reading problem as mechanical problem which hinder efficient reading and are common among secondary school students particularly those who have not undergone any reading readiness program and include the following factors; finger-printing, vocalizing, subvocalizing, and reading word to word etc. The paper x-rays some factors responsible for reading problems to include; poor reading culture in Nigeria, faulty beginning, language development at home, physical factors, mental health, brain damage, high cost of books, incompetency in teaching, poor methods, emotional factor and inadequate provision of school library services. Recommendations were put forward on how the teachers, schools, and parents can improve on the reading skills of the child.